A couple weeks ago I went to the
AQS Quilt Show in
Paducah. I drove down on Friday and my first stop was
Hancocks of
Paducah. The back room where the 1 yd cuts are was packed as usual. They were $3.98/yd when I was there. I found several that I just had to have. While I was there they marked down the charm packs to $3 each. I managed to find some that I liked.I also got some fabric that my
LQS doesn't have.
My next stop was the quilt show. I kept running into none of my friends so we decided to walk around together. I had never gone to a show "with" anyone and was pleasantly surprised
that I really enjoyed the time spent together. We left the show and went to the mall and shopped the vendors there. I found several items I just had to have and as usual spent some money.
After a long day I was able to find a hotel room in Calvert City. On Saturday I saw Eleanor Burns and was not overly impressed with her new book. I also went to the Rotary Club and saw the antique quilts and the Hoffman Challenge.
My overall impression was that attendance was down from past years. It was not as crowded. A lot of vendors were sold out of several items. Several said that they had been at the show in Chicago the week prior. I did enjoy myself and look forward to next year.