Sunday, July 18, 2010

Back from vacation

I'm back from vacation. It's great to go but also nice to return to the daily routine. I was visiting family and did some sewing while there. I taught my nieces to make a pillowcase, helped my sister-in-law and mother with some quilts. I even had time to work on a new quilt and a tote bag.

Time sure does have a way of getting away from me. I didn't realize that it had been so long since I posted. I finally got around to taking some photos. This first one from the book 'Small Quilts Big Events' by Julia LaBauve & Tammy Silvers. It is about 15"x16". This is now hanging on a friends' door.

I got my Derby Quilt back from the LA. She did a fantastic job quilting it. I have been working today on the binding and almost have it done. Then I have to put a hanging sleeve and a label on it. Here is a photo of it. I hope to get better photos soon.