Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Derby Quilt

I finished my Derby Quilt tonight. I will press it tomorrow and find something to put on the back. I will also call someone to see about quilting it. I used the BQ pattern by Maple Island Quilts. It has fabrics depicting several of the KY Derby festivities like hot air balloons, marching band, fireworks, horses, red roses, airplanes and marathon runners.

I have been planning this quilt for a couple years and collecting the fabric for as long. I got a nudge a while ago when I entered a local contest. The rules require at least one fleur de lis on the quilt. After more thought I decided on using this pattern instead of creating one. I think someone will be very happy with this quilt.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I took a 'Picture Piecing' class taught by Cynthia England. I chose the 'Snow Scene' kit to make. I completed one section so I still have a lot to do. It is easier to do than paper piecing and you can get the same level of detail. All stitching lines are straight. The 2nd part of the class was on designing. Cynthia had some exercises for us to do to learn to draw a pattern. She critiqued eveyone's drawing. Everyone brought a photo and Cynthia told how she would draw the pattern. It was a very worthwhile and enjoyable class that was over way too soon. I highly recommend it.

I have started my Derby quilt after collecting the fabric for a few years. It will be queen size and I have 9 of the 30 blocks completed so far. I hope to have the top completed by June 15th. I will be entering it in a contest in August.